美国中文作家协会是美国加州政府2015年正式批准注册、拥有美国联邦政府批准的501(c)(3)免税资格的文学团体;是世界华文文学联盟成员;是由生活在美国并热爱用中文写作的华人及其他族裔的文友们组成的非政治、非宗教、非营利的公益组织。CHINESE WRITERS ASSOCIATION of AMERICA (CWAA) is a non-political, non-religious, and non-profit organization in the United States that has been voluntarily formed by Chinese people and people of other ethnicities who love to write and create literary works in the Chinese language. CWAA is also a member of the World Chinese Literature Alliance. And CWAA has the IRS 501 (C) (3) tax-exempt status and all donation may receive full tax benefit for our donors.

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