主席:李岘(Maria Lixian Gee-Schweiger, Ph.D) 汉语言学博士。
移民美国前(1981——1992),曾在中国黑龙江省电视台及影视中心做电视剧责任编辑、编剧十一年。1987年被评为全国专业技术职称:责任编辑。同年加入中国电视家协会和戏剧家协会黑龙江分会。在职其间,先后编辑、编剧、主持、撰稿电视剧和电视专题节目及文学作品五十多部集篇。移民美国后(1992——2015),先后担任过美国律师事务所助理、《华美时报》和《华人》月刊的专栏作家、NLFP影视公司总裁,及先后在圣地亚哥大学、T.J法学院、Mesa学院、Mira Costa学院和中国暨南大学华人华侨研究院兼职教授。全美文化教育基金会第一届副理事长、第二届理事长 。北美洛杉矶作家协会会员。圣地亚哥古琴社会员。美国加州教师协会会员。期间出版过四本书、十二集电视纪录片、二十集电视剧文学剧本及几十篇杂文及小说,并参与编撰了两部大典。在美国、中国大陆和台湾的报刊杂志上刊登了几十篇不同文体的文章。
代表作有:著作《跨过半敞开的国门》、《飘在美国》、 《感受真美国》《美国律师说汉语》、《美国加州地区华语使用状况研究》、《浅析电视语言的语言符号和非语言符号》;电视剧编剧(或编剧之一)《X.Y轶事》、《萧红》、《黑宝石》、《新客规今天生效》、《小星的诗》、《义务儿女》、《小辣椒与瞌睡虫》、二十集电视连续剧文学本《律师楼的故事》等,及多部电视剧文学编辑。十二集大型纪录片总编导兼制片人《飘着美国》、十集纪录片撰稿人之一兼主持人《经纬大趋势》。担任电影、电视剧责任编辑多部。是近百万字的《光大传承—南加华人三十年史话》撰述委员之一、 八十万字《共和国同龄人世纪大典》荣誉编辑委员和执行委员及《中外文化大辞典》编写者之一。
获奖情况:1985年电视连续剧文学本《萧红》编剧之一,获黑龙江省电视台三等奖、戏剧家协会剧本佳作奖、 2006年十二集电视纪录片《飘在美国》获美国第六届传承亚裔文化奖中的传媒奖、2015年教科书《美国律师说汉语》获南加州蒙市颁发优秀艺术家奖,2010年获美国《华人》杂志优秀文化使者奖、2008年和2015年分别获全美华人文化教育基金会成就奖和大使奖。
Maria Lixian Gee-Schweiger, Ph.D, The President of CWAA
She was born in China and immigrated to America since 1992. Before immigrating to U.S.A, worked at National TV Station, Heilongjiang province, China, as an editor, writer, for over 50 pieces of TV Programs. A member of National Television Experts Association and Play Experts Association in China since 1987.
She has published four books and many articles after immigrating to the U.S.A:
“American Lawyers speaking Chinese”, Published by China International Press,2014. “Adrift Without Roots”, Published by Zhu-Hai Publisher, China. 2005. “The True Feeling about America”, Published by Central Compilation & Translation, China, 1998 . “Step Across the Half-Opened Country Door”, published by Heilongjiang North Arts Publisher, China,1997. Writer, director, and producer of a 12- episode documentary film “Adrift Without Roots” ,2003. The film was shown monthly on an Education cable TV from June 2005 to August 2007 in the U.S. Many American universities ordered the DVD of the film as Asian study material. Co-writer of Screenplay, “The Story in a Law Office”, a-20 episodes, published by the “Play and Movie Monthly Magazine”, Shanghai, China. 2000.
She has her Doctor’s Degree of Chinese Linguistics in Studies on Chinese Applications.
She is an Adjunct Professor of Thomas Jefferson School of Law and Mira Costa College in America, and Jinan University in China. She is the co- founders and the honorable Chair of American Chinese Culture and Education Foundation, U.S.A (ACCEF)
Presented Seminars and Performances for Education and Culture:
Chief planner of the American Chinese youth Arts Festival, 2015
Writer and Director of the ACCEF charity performances “The Heart-to-Heart and Hand-in-Hand”, 2006, and committee chair, 2007. Key Note Speaker on 4th Book Introduction hosted by NCWA (December 27, 2014). Key Note Speaker Introducing the History of Oversea Chinese in Southern California (January 26, 2014).
Seminar: “China’s Economic Development Direct Impact on Oversea Chinese”, Presented at Jinan University, China, January 4, 2010. “The Migration Complex of Overseas Chinese”, Presented at Jinan University, China, January 5, 2007. "How to Promote the Minority Culture”, Miramar College, Oct. 23, 2005. “Culture Conflicts” Seminar for International Communication February 24, 2005. San Diego State University. “The Culture Conflicts of the New Immigrants in the United States”, May 3 2004, the Festival of APIA Heritage Week, Mesa College, May 3 2004. “Film Premiere Explores Cultural Conflicts” Miramar College, April 4, 2003. “Adaptation of American Culture by Asian Immigrants” to San Diego Chinese-American Women’s League, May 10, 2003. “How the Oversea Chinese Adapted to A New Culture” Seminar for the “Festival of APIA Heritage Week”, Mesa College, May 6, 2003. Premiere of documentary film “Adrift Without Roots” at Miramar College, January 25, 2003.
She has received the following awards:
2015 Ambassador Award (By American Chinese Culture and Education Foundation)
2014 Artist Award (By The City of Monterey Park)
2010 Outstanding Multi-Cultural Education Award (By We Chinese in America)
2009 6th Asian Heritage Awards in Media & Film (By Asian Heritage Society)
2008 Outstanding Service Award (By American Chinese Culture and Education Foundation)